(Today's Tip of the Day had me thinking about this.) Not a single person here has asked us about kids. About whether or not we already have them. About whether or not we plan to have them. Nothing.
If we had just moved to a new place in the States, I'm pretty certain that the "Where are you from?" question would be immediately followed by "So, do you have kids?"
And it's not that I even mind being asked the question. (I used to mind it, but not anymore.) It's a pretty natural thing to ask. I just think it's an interesting cultural difference.
Krees...I know what you mean. Alan and I get that question *all the time* over here.
By the way, I love the Dutch tips!
But where is Maui?
-- Gretchen
Posted by: Gretchen McNeely | August 06, 2006 at 04:17 AM
Whoops, I checked Dogster and am SO excited about Maui's excellent adventure!!!!
Posted by: Gretchen McNeely | August 06, 2006 at 04:22 AM
It took only DAYS for people to start asking about kids with me and John. They know it's rude though, so they say, "I know this is probably rude, but when are you planning on having kids?"
Posted by: Andrea | August 16, 2006 at 06:30 PM